Mixed martial arts (commonly referred to as “MMA”) is a combat sports utilizing the best techniques from any style under limited rules. MMA was made famous with the UFC(ultimate fighting challenge),various reality shows, Hollywood movies and other organizations. We offer MMA for those wanting to cross train with other styles and to professional fighters. Each student must complete 6 months in either BJJ or Kickboxing before entering this program unless otherwise determined by Jeff Messina. Jeff Messina and other qualified instructors will share teaching responsibility for this program. We differ from other schools because we are active fighters and coaches, not joining a fad ,or adding an MMA program to help boost sales. The instructors here are active competitors and always searching for ways to improve their game and go to the next level of the Marial Arts they practice. We were the MMA pioneers in Texas. You will be in good hands with professional instruction from instructors that want to see you succeed and give you real fighting skills.
We have classes to fit everyones routine.

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We are sure that training will affect your life in a positive way. So why wait?